As Instagram continues to grow in popularity, so does the slang that goes along with it. While some of the slang is fairly straightforward, such as “streak” meaning to post photos consecutively, other terms can be a little more difficult to decipher.
In order to help you stay up-to-date on all things Instagram, we’ve put together a comprehensive guide to understanding the app’s slang.
- A mood – When a person is in a good mood and wants to show it off on Instagram.
- AF – A term used to describe someone who is extremely good-looking.
- AMA – Ask Me Anything. A term used to invite others to ask questions, usually about a particular topic.
- Baddie – A term used to describe a particularly attractive woman.
- Bae – A term used to describe someone who you are romantically interested in or attracted to. Can also be used as a term of endearment for friends and family.
- Basic – A term used to describe someone who is unoriginal and conforms to popular trends.
- Beef – A term used to describe a conflict or rivalry between two people or groups.
- Bestie – A close friend that you consider to be like family.
- BFF – A term used to describe one’s best friend. Short for “best friend forever.”
- Bih – A term used to describe someone who is considered trashy or classless.
- Bookstagram – An account dedicated to books, usually featuring photos of well-styled book collections and reading setups.
- Bruh – A term used to express disbelief, often in response to something that is considered stupid or incorrect. Can also be used as a standalone exclamation.
- Bye Felicia – A term used to indicate that someone is no longer needed or welcome. The name Felicia is based on a character in the movie “Friday” who is told to leave by the protagonist.
- Canceled – A term used to describe when someone is no longer supported, usually because of their actions or words.
- Caption – The text accompanying an Instagram photo.
- Clap back – To respond to someone who has insulted or dissed you in a similarly insulting way.
- Clout – A measure of influence or popularity, often determined by the number of likes, comments, and followers an Instagram account has.
- DM – A term used to describe when someone sends a direct message, or private message, on social media.
- DM – Direct Message. A private message sent between two users on Instagram.
- Essentials – A term used to describe the things one needs in order to survive or function. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m essentials-ing all over the place.”
- Fam – A term used to describe one’s close friends or family. Short for “family.”
- FBF – A term used to describe when someone finds an old photo of themselves on social media and posts it. Short for “flashback Friday.”
- FF – A term used to describe when someone follows a lot of people on social media in the hopes that they will follow back. Short for “follow Friday.”
- Finsta – A fake Instagram account, often used to post more personal or controversial content than one’s main account
- Fitfam – A term used to describe the community of people who are interested in health and fitness.
- Fitspo – A term used to describe someone who provides motivation for others to live a healthy lifestyle. Short for “fit inspiration.”
- FIY – A term used to describe a particularly funny photo or video.
- Flex – To show off, usually with regards to wealth or possessions. Can also be used as a verb, as in “he’s flexing on us.”
- FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out. The feeling of anxiety that comes from thinking you are missing out on something fun or interesting.
- Foodporn – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of an especially enticing or delicious-looking meal on social media.
- GF – A term used to describe one’s girlfriend. Short for “girlfriend.”
- Glow up – A term used to describe the process of someone becoming more attractive or successful over time.
- Goals – A term used to describe something that is considered desirable or aspirational. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m goals-ing all over the place.”
- GOTD(Gram of the Day) – A term used to describe when someone posts a particularly great photo on social media.
- Gym rat – A term used to describe someone who is obsessed with going to the gym.
- Hack – A term used to describe a shortcut or tip that makes life easier. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m going to hack my way through this project.”
- Haters – People who deliberately say negative things about others, often out of envy or jealousy.
- Haul – A term used to describe when someone goes shopping and buys a lot of items. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I hauled all over town today.”
- Health nut – A term used to describe someone who is obsessed with healthy eating.
- HG – A term used to describe one’s holy grail product. Short for “holy grail.”
- HT or H/T (HatTip) – A term used to describe when someone gives credit to another person for something, usually a link or article. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I hatted your post.”
- I can’t even – A term used to describe when someone is so surprised or shocked that they can’t even process what’s happening.
- IDGAF (I Don’t Give A F*ck) – A term used to describe when someone doesn’t care about something.
- IG – A term used to describe the popular photo sharing app, Instagram. Short for “Instagram.”
- IGers – A term used to describe people who use Instagram.
- IMO or IMHO (In My Opinion or In My Humble Opinion) – A term used to preface a statement that is opinion-based.
- Instafamous – Someone who has gained a significant following on Instagram.
- Instagram famous – A term used to describe someone who has a large following on Instagram, often due to their good looks or interesting life.
- Instamood – A term used to describe the overall vibe or feeling of someone’s Instagram feed.
- Instapug – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of a Pug on social media.
- Instapup – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of a puppy on social media.
- IRL – A term used to describe when someone is interacting with others in real life, as opposed to online. Short for “in real life.”
- JOMO (Joy of Missing Out) – A term used to describe the feeling of contentment one experiences when they are not participating in activities that everyone else is. The opposite of FOMO.
- K – A term used to describe when someone is ok or has acknowledged something. Can also be used as a short form of “cool” or “okay.”
- KikMe – A term used to describe when someone wants to chat on the app Kik.
- Kween – A term used to describe a particularly powerful or confident woman. Can also be spelled “queen.”
- KWIM (Know What I Mean) – A term used to describe when someone is trying to explain something and wants to know if the other person understands.
- Legit – A term used to describe something that is real or genuine. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I legit can’t even.”
- Like4like – An arrangement in which one user agrees to like another user’s photos in exchange for that user liking theirs.
- Lit – A term used to describe something that is considered cool or exciting. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m lit AF.”
- lit AF – A term used to describe something that is cool or exciting.
- LOL – Laugh Out Loud. A term used to indicate when something is funny.
- Low key – A term used to describe something that is not overtly obvious or done on purpose. Can also be described as “low-key shady.”
- LTNS (Long Time No See) – A term used to describe when someone hasn’t seen another person in a long time.
- ManiMonday – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of their manicure on social media, usually on Mondays.
- MCM (Man Crush Monday) or WCW (Woman Crush Wednesday) – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of an attractive man or woman on social media, usually with the intention of showing admiration.
- MFW (My Face When) – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo or GIF of their reaction to something.
- MIRL (Me In Real Life) – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo or GIF of themselves.
- MOOD – A term used to describe how someone is feeling. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m mooding all over this place.”
- MUA – A term used to describe a Makeup Artist.
- NM or N/M (Not Much or Never Mind) – A term used to describe when someone is not doing much or has nothing to say.
- NO CAP – A term used to describe when someone is emphasize that they are not lying. Short for “no kidding.”
- No Chill – A term used to describe when someone is acting overly excited or wild.
- NoFilter – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo without using any filters.
- Noob – A term used to describe someone who is new to a particular activity or game. Can also be used as an insult.
- NOTD (Nails of the Day) – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of their nails.
- NSFW – Not Safe For Work. A term used to warn others that the following content may not be appropriate for the workplace.
- OG – Original Gangster. A term used to describe someone who is considered to be a pioneer or authority figure.
- OH or O/H (Overheard) – A term used to describe when someone overheard something. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I oh-ed that you were going to the store.”
- On fleek – A term used to describe something that is perfect or on point. The origins of the term are unknown, but it was popularized by Vine user Peaches Monroee.
- on point – A term used to describe when someone looks particularly good.
- OOTD (Outfit of the Day) – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of their outfit on social media.
- Petstagram – A term used to describe when someone posts photos of their pets on Instagram.
- Pics or it didn’t happen – A phrase used to call out someone who is making an unsubstantiated claim.
- PLL (Pretty Little Liars) – A term used to describe the popular TV show Pretty Little Liars.
- Positivity – A term used to describe the act of being positive or optimistic.
- POTD (Post of the Day) – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo on social media that they are particularly proud of.
- QOTD (Quote of the Day) – A term used to describe when someone posts a quote on social media.
- Rando – A term used to describe a random person, usually one who is not known to the speaker.
- Random – A term used to describe a photo or video that has been posted without any context.
- Ratchet – A term used to describe someone who is considered trashy or classless. Can also be used as a verb, as in “stop ratcheting up the volume.”
- Regram – A term used to describe when someone reposts a photo from another account.
- Repost – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo that has already been posted by someone else.
- Salty – A term used to describe someone who is angry or bitter over something that they perceive as being unfair.
- Savage – A term used to describe someone who is considered to be mean or ruthless. Can also be used as a verb, as in “she savage-ly insulted her ex.”
- Self-care – A term used to describe the practice of taking care of oneself, often emotionally or mentally, in order to avoid burnout.
- Selfie – A term used to describe a photo that someone has taken of themselves.
- SelfieSunday – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of themselves on social media, usually on Sundays.
- Shade – A term used to describe when someone says or does something that is subtly insulting or critical of another person. Can also be thrown, as in “she threw some serious shade at her ex.”
- Ship – A term used to describe the desire for two people to be in a romantic relationship. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m shipping them so hard.”
- SFS: Shoutout for Shoutout – When two Instagram users agree to mention each other in their posts. This is often done in order to gain exposure to new audiences and grow both accounts.
- Slay – A term used to describe when someone does something amazing or well. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m going to slay this project.”
- SMH – A term used to describe when someone is shaking their head in disbelief.
- Snack – A term used to describe when someone posts an attractive photo.
- Snatched – A term used to describe when someone looks particularly good. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m snatched AF.”
- SO (Significant Other) – A term used to describe one’s romantic partner.
- SOTD (Song of the Day) – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of themselves with their current favorite song.
- Sus – A term used to describe when someone is being shady or suspicious. Short for “suspect.”
- Sweat session – A term used to describe a particularly intense or strenuous workout.
- TBH (To Be Honest) – A term used to preface a statement that is honest.
- TBT – Throwback Thursday. A weekly Instagram trend in which users post old photos of themselves.
- Texturizing – A term used to describe the act of adding texture to something.
- Thirsty – A term used to describe when someone is desperate or longing for something. Can also be used to describe someone who is trying too hard.
- Thot – A term used to describe a woman who is considered to be promiscuous. Short for “that hoe over there.”
- Throwing shade – A term used to describe when someone says or does something that is subtly insulting or critical of another person.
- TMI (Too Much Information) – A term used to describe when someone shares too much information.
- TMW – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo with the caption “This is how I feel right now.”
- TransformationTuesday – A term used to describe when someone posts a photo of themselves before and after an event or change.
- Triggered – A term used to describe when someone is feeling emotional or overly sensitive about something.
- Troll – Someone who deliberately says or does inflammatory things in order to get a rise out of people.
- Turnt – A term used to describe when someone is particularly excited or wild. Can also be used as a verb, as in “I’m about to get turnt up.”
- VSCO girl – A term used to describe a certain type of girl who is often seen on the popular photo editing app, VSCO. Characteristics include wearing scrunchies and Birkenstocks, drinking out of Hydro Flasks, and using metal straws.
- Wig – A term used to describe when someone is so surprised or shocked that their wig literally flies off their head. Can also be used as a verb, as in “she wigged out when she saw the price of the dress.”
- Woke – A term used to describe someone who is aware of and actively fights against social injustice.
- WTF – What The Fuck. A term used to express confusion, anger, or surprise. Can also be used as an acronym for “With The Family.”
- YAS or YASS (Yes or Yes!) – A term used to describe when someone is excited about something.
- YOLO – You Only Live Once. A term often used to justify risky behavior.
- Zombie – An inactive Instagram account, often one that has been abandoned by its owner.
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