As social media platforms become more popular, more businesses are looking to market their products and services on Instagram. However, many people are still unsure about how to use the platform effectively. 

In order to help you out, we’ve debunked some of the most common myths about marketing on Instagram.

Myth #1: My Customers Aren’t on Instagram

This is one of the most common myths about marketing on Instagram. Many businesses believe that their target market isn’t using the platform, so there’s no point in investing time and resources into creating an account. However, research has shown that Instagram is one of the most popular social media platforms, with over 1 billion active users.

Chances are, your target market is on Instagram. If you’re not sure, take a look at your competitor’s accounts. If they’re present on the platform, it’s a good idea for you to be there too.

Myth #2: It’s All About Selfies and Food Pics. Why Should My Business Use It?

Another common misconception about Instagram is that the content posted on the platform is frivolous and unimportant. However, this couldn’t be further from the truth.

Instagram is a powerful visual platform that can be used to share all sorts of content, from behind-the-scenes photos and videos to infographics and product shots. No matter what industry you’re in, there’s a way to use Instagram to reach your target market.

Myth #3: It’s Only for B2C Businesses

B2B marketing on Instagram is often overlooked, but it can be a great way to reach your target market. In fact, Instagram is one of the best platforms for B2B marketing, as it allows businesses to humanize their brand and tell their story in a visually appealing way.

If you’re a B2B business, don’t write off Instagram as a marketing platform. It can be a great way to connect with your target market and build relationships.

Myth #4: Posting Non-Stop Helps You Grow

This is one of the most common myths about Instagram marketing. People think that if they post more often, they will get more followers and likes. However, this is not necessarily true. In fact, bombarding your followers with too many posts can actually lead to them unfollowing you.

The key is to find a balance. Posting one or two times a day is plenty. Any more than that and you risk overwhelming your followers and driving them away.

This myth persists because there is a misunderstanding about how the algorithm shows content to target audiences. For the most part, the algorithm does not work like a traditional feed where the most recent post is always at the top, though you may see new posts from time to time.

Instead, it relies on engagement. So, if one of your posts gets a lot of engagement (likes, comments, shares, etc.), it is more likely to be shown to other users. Even if you post ten times in one day, your followers may only see one or two of those posts if they don’t have high engagement rates.

The lesson here is to focus on building immediate engagement. Using a growth tool like Skweezer’s automated likes feature can help you give your posts the engagement rates they need to be seen by more people.

Myth #5: You Need to Spend Money on Advertising

Advertising is not the only way to grow your Instagram following. There are a number of organic methods you can use to attract new followers.

Some of the most effective methods include using relevant hashtags, using an Instagram growth service like Skweezer, posting engaging content, and interacting with other users. You can also try running a contest or giveaway. These are all great ways to get more followers without spending any money on advertising.

Myth #6: You Need a Professional Photographer

With the rise of increasingly sophisticated smartphone cameras, you no longer need a professional photographer to take great photos for your Instagram account. Anyone with a decent smartphone can take high-quality photos.

Of course, if you have the budget for it, you can hire a professional photographer. But if you don’t, don’t worry – you can still take great photos with your smartphone.

Myth #7: Aim Only for Followers That Will Convert to Customers

Wrong again. There are many reasons to broaden your horizons and try to attract a wider range of followers.

First, even if someone doesn’t convert to a customer, they may still engage with your content and help you reach a larger audience. This can give you a big boost in the IG algorithm, which will help you reach even more people.

Second, building a large and engaged following can have a number of benefits, even if only a small percentage of those followers eventually convert to customers. These benefits include increased brand awareness, improved customer loyalty, and higher rates of customer retention.

Finally, if you’re using influencer marketing, their clout transfers to your brand. So even if their followers don’t convert to customers, they can still help you reach a larger audience and improve your brand image.

So, don’t focus only on attracting followers that will convert to customers. Instead, focus on building a community of engaged users.

Myth #8: Buying Engagement Will Get You Banned

This is one myth that you should definitely ignore. But, there is a caveat that the business you buy Instagram likes from should be reputable, knowledgable, and experienced.

When done correctly, buying Instagram engagement is a perfectly safe and effective way to improve your reach and get more followers. Just make sure you’re working with a trusted provider, like Skweezer.

Myth #9: You Only Need to Spend an Hour a Day to Grow Your Account

This is another myth that is simply not true. If you want to see real results, you need to put in the work.

Growing an Instagram account takes a lot of time and effort. You need to post regularly, interact with other users, use relevant hashtags, and more. If you’re only spending an hour a day on Instagram, you’re not going to see the kind of growth you want.

Myth #10: Your IG Page is Business-ONLY

While it’s important to post content that is relevant to your business, you shouldn’t make your Instagram page all about business.

Your followers want to see a mix of content, including behind-the-scenes photos, personal updates, and even the occasional memes or funny videos. If all you ever post about is your business, you’re going to end up losing followers.

Myth #11: Instagram Marketing Growth Services Aren’t Worth the Money

There are a lot of growth services out there that promise to help you grow your Instagram following. While some of these services are scams (link to a competitor review in the future), there are many legitimate ones that can help you get more followers and engagement.

If you’re serious about growing your Instagram account, using a growth service is a great way to get more followers quickly and efficiently. Skweezer makes it easy to buy real, active Instagram followers who are interested in your content.

It’s simple to grow your IG account with Skweezer! Simply select your desired package, enter your account information, then sit back and let us do the work. You’ll start seeing results almost immediately!

Not sure if it’s right for you? Give it a try for free and see the difference Skweezer can make to grow your account faster!

Myth #12: Go Big on Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can be a great way to grow your Instagram following. However, you don’t need to go overboard with it.

Some businesses make the mistake of working with too many influencers, which can come across as inauthentic. It’s important to find a balance and only work with influencers who are a good fit for your brand.

Myth #13: Most Brands & Influencers Will Fail

This is another myth that is simply not true. While it’s certainly true that some brands and influencers will fail, there are many that will succeed.

The old adage “only the fit survive” is true for a reason. It takes time, dedication, strategic thinking, and hard work to succeed in any business – including Instagram marketing. If you’re serious about growing your Instagram following, don’t give up. Keep trying new things and eventually, you’ll find what works for your brand.

Myth #14: I Don’t Need Paid Engagement Strategies, Instagram is Free

There are a few reasons why you might want to use paid engagement strategies, even though Instagram is free.

First, while Instagram is free to use, it isn’t always easy to grow your account organically. It takes a lot of time and effort to post regularly, interact with other users, use relevant hashtags, and more. If you’re not willing to put in the work, you’re not going to see results.

Second, paid engagement strategies can help you reach a larger audience more quickly. If you’re trying to grow your account for business purposes, this can be a great way to get more followers and customers.

Third, paid engagement strategies can help you get more high-quality followers. When you use Skweezer to buy Instagram followers, you’re guaranteed to get real, active users who are interested in your content. This is a great way to boost your engagement and reach.

So, if you’re really serious about succeeding in your Instagram marketing strategy, get started with Skweezer today!

With Skweezer, you can buy real, active Instagram followers who are interested in your content. It’s simple to grow your IG account with Skweezer! It’s completely safe, effective, and affordable.

Get started today and see the difference Skweezer can make to grow your account!